Snow Removal

The largest portion of your HVHA dues pays for snow removal.

Snow is plowed whenever there is a snowfall of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or greater.

The snowplows will clear the auto-courts, cul-de-sacs, and your driveway, but it is your responsibility to clear your own walkways and porches.

Snow Removal Contract with Bruce Company — 2011-16

The plows will not clear the last 2 feet (50 cm) of your drive by your garage door. It would risk damaging the door. You have to shovel that yourself.

The snowplows cannot clear driveways or community parking spaces if there are cars parked in them, so when it snows, please park your cars where they will not hinder the plows. Typically we get plowed late at night, between midnight and sunrise, but they do plow at other times.