Highland Village is on Nextdoor.com

Nextdoor.com provides closed social media websites for neighborhoods, and Highland Village is there! Join your neighbors by using this invite link: https://nextdoor.com/invite/qutdmqsaersnddqkvwkc. You will need to confirm your address, but it’s up to you how much information you want to appear online to your neighbors.

The more people join, the better and faster we’ll be able to communicate. Questions? Contact Áine Calgaro at newsletter@highlandvillagemadison.com

New board for 2013-14

At the annual meeting of the Highland Village Homeowner Association, two new members were welcomed to the board: Jonathan Whalley and Marcia Melotte. Zheng Wu and Áine Calgaro were up for election and are beginning a new term. Also remaining on the board are Tracy Price and Sabrina Gentile.

Board positions (president, ACC chair, etc.) will be determined at the board’s next meeting April 24.